I like my bicycle because It's green...greenyellow, with a lot of small lines. Also I like it because the quality, 15 years, and still works, the manufacturer is Cinelli, an Italian brand, and I love all his works.
The second piece, now a little Hi-tech, is my computer, don't ask... I just love computers [and I know you love them too], but, maybe because I understand this world (computers-world).
I don't got a computer for myself until I got to University, and then, I don't let it go. Now I have a new computer, one year old (it's a baby), and I use it for everything, playing, University, work, and for keep in contact with my girlfriend, because we live far far away (PuenteAlto-Quilicura).
Also I think I like computers because Internet, yeah, the same internet that you use to read this post, and the same internet that allow you to see what’s going on everywhere, the same internet that let you see [thanks google earth] everyplace in the world, and also, the same internet that’s [and this is the most important thing] open to you a infinitum universe of knowledge.
I think that tech is as good as we are.
Myth: Guns don't kill people, people do.
Fact: Both guns and people kill; guns make it easier.