
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

BBC learning english

This really is a great web page to learn english, You can find anything you want, even games! [I'm triying to get more than 25 points :(].
I like this page, because you don´t have to pay for a good english lesson, you only have to know the basics, so you can improve your skils.

A good section is "Funky Phrasals", you have many situation and you can listen the audio and read the conversation. They talk about New home, school days, and other topics, oh!, they also talk about party, very important!.

Also I like the "How to..." section, I always think in "how can I say...?", and here is the answer!.

I think, if some day I go to England, I know I have to understand English, but, even more importatn, I have to understand their English. As the same way if yo go to any places on the globe.

In BBC learning english page, the also have a section whit pronunciation and grammar tips, and inside this section they have another called "keep our english up to date", I suppose, as in Spanish, they have new words every year, because the language change.

Looking on the web, I also found a site, not like BBC's site, but maybe it can be useful, an Spanish man site, who talks about his learning of English in London, and the things that could be useful for any Spanish traveler.

Here is the link:


  1. Good post Jorge.
    I love this website. As much as my classes but in a different way. Good post.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's true! I forgot the fact that the website offers you pretty good English lessons for FREE: I loved that.

  4. I think is very interesting the last thing you comment, as I planning to go for exchange to Italy I would look for something like that, but for Italy, maybe it appears.

  5. where are the games? i cann't find them :( .
    BBC hates me, i just can see a videos about a teacher !!

    see you neighbor

  6. gameees! oh thank god i din't found games ahahaha.
    hey, that page you found is great!
    i think is very important to know about other people experience, specially if you share native language in a foreign place.

    (: seeya
